Genesis 11.1-9 Acts 2.1-8 and 13-21 Antes de que todo comenzara ❘ ya existía ❘ aquel que es la Palabra (Spanish) In principio erat Verbum (Latin) Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος (NT Greek) Au commencement était la Parole (French) Da time everyting had start, had one Guy. “Godʼs Talk,” dass who him (Pidgin) Na początku było Słowo (Polish) I te timatanga ❘ te Kupu (Maori) Im Anfang war das Wort (German) All of these phrases, whether taken from the original Greek written by St John, or from translations of his words, are about communication. First, they’re about communicating the message to one another in the different languages spoken all around the world, but then second - because they are all versions of John’s Gospel chapter 1, verse 1, they’re about communication with God through Jesus, his living Word. It’s particularly poignant for me at the moment because my own father is in Pinderfields Hospital following a stroke which has progressively robbed him of the power of commu...
A blog by a Methodist minister in the UK