Genesis 1.27-31, Luke 10.38-42 I heard a programme about rest and relaxation on the radio recently and it set me thinking because, down the centuries, the Church has been a champion of rest, constantly reminding people that Sunday is the Day of Rest - modelled on the first Sabbath, when God rested after all the hard work of creating the universe. I even heard of one church council which recently tried to ban Brownies from having a fun day on a Sunday because it’s the Day of Rest, and that despite the fact that the Brownies were planning to start the day by having fun in all age worship! We might think that’s going a bit too far, but - be that as it may - the Church has talked endlessly about quiet times, prayerfulness, meditation and retreating from the stresses and strains of the world. We’ve set up - I use the word ‘we’ somewhat loosely here - contemplative orders of monks and nuns. And whether we’re contemplatives or not, we’ve focused in on the still, small voice th...
A blog by a Methodist minister in the UK